Google AdSense blog earnings, It’s a small idea could bring you a lot of money if you used it right, but before we enter in the earnings area, you should know that the earning potential is dependent on a range of different factors.
The demographics of your audience, your specialty, your traffic, and other factors all factor into how much Google AdSense blog earnings you may expect, at the same time, the amount of money you make from Google AdSense depends on how much ad space you have AdSense revenue is influenced by a variety of ad formats and ad placement.
Related: How much can you earn from AdSense on blogger
Google AdSense blog earnings
It pays per pageviews varies from site to another one, and there are many factors can affect how much you’ll earn.
To see what blogs in different niches could earn, based on 50,000 page views per month, and based in North America:
Food and Drink Niche – $8,598 per year ($14.33 per 1000 pageviews on average).
Health Niche – $10,440 per year ($17.40 per 1000 pageviews on average).
Travel Niche – $8,460 per year ($14.10 per 1000 pageviews on average).
Finance – $19,278 per year ($32.13 per 1000 pageviews on average).
Beauty and Fitness – $7,806 per year ($13.01 per 1000 pageviews on average).
Remember, google AdSense blog earnings can vary drastically from site to site, country to country, and also fluctuate from season to season.
Sites have quality AdSense revenue
Blog site
Blogs are websites where you and others can regularly post new content
The frequency can be anywhere from hourly to monthly, depends on a variety of factors.
Including the number of contributors and the amount of time the owners and editors have to review and publish content.
Popular blogs like the Daily Dot use google AdSense to monetize their visitors to achieve google AdSense blog earnings
Which also contributes between five and ten million impressions per month.
They install Google AdSense banners in a variety of locations, according to Google Display Planner.
Throughout their website, including the header, blog post, footer, and between each category’s top articles lists.
Forum site
People gather in forums to discuss specific topics, It’s the second best type of site to generate google AdSense blog earnings.
If you are not comfortable with the idea of creating your own content or managing content contributor.
This is a highly active forum with over one million posts and over 49,000 members.
Non-paying members of the site will see Google AdSense adverts when they log in and in discussions.
When it comes to forums, you will have to create discussions and find people to start engaging with you in those discussions.
Free online tool site
It used for developers those who have the budget to hire developers, creating a site.
With a free online tool is another way to know google AdSense blog earnings revenue.
It could become popular, if you find the right target audience to use it and have them recommend it to their community.
You could make your investment in developing a free online tool worth it with your google AdSense blog earnings, if your free online tool site manages to rank #1 for your target keyword.
As a result, we’ve gotten to the end of our Google Adsense blog earnings piece. The following are the three keys to properly monetizing your website, regardless of the type of site you use for Google AdSense. To begin, ensure that the topic you select for your blog, forum, or free online tool is one that will pique people’s attention and, as a result, generate traffic, will be searched for.